About this "little" Poster
Written thousands of years ago, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, are considered one of the foundational texts of yoga philosophy. The word sutra, which translates to “strand or thread,” refers to a series of teachings that are threaded together like pearls on a necklace. Although ancient, its wisdom is timeless.
As a new mom and passionate yoga student and teacher myself, I wanted to find a way to simplify these beautiful lessons for children. This “8 Limbs for Littles” poster is named after the initial lessons in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, referred to as the “8 limbs of yoga”. To simplify even further, I chose to focus mainly on the yamas (kindness to others) and nyamas (kindness to ourselves), the first 2 of the 8 limbs of yoga.
My hope is that this poster will be a great starting point to introduce the teachings of yoga to our “littles”. Maybe in some small way we can work together to raise these little ones to have kind hearts, curious minds and an ability to find a practice of peace, balance and love. Namaste.
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Special thanks goes to my dear friend and teacher Irene Doherty for her time and efforts helping me to create this passion project. To learn more about her teachings and wonderful practice offerings please visit: www.IreneDoherty.com.